Originally Posted by Manny A
I agree that it was handled correctly.
What would have been really ugly is if Middleton had scored a run to "win" 2-1, and then it was discovered after everyone left the field that the score was really 2-2. The teams would have had to return to finish the game.
Or would the 2-1 score stand since the correction wasn't discovered until after the umpires left the field?
But why stop there? What if it had happened twice. And it switched the outcome of the game. Let's go a little further though. Let's say it happened twice. After both plays the home scorer asks and is told not to score the run. Visitors book ignored the umpire because she was further away and correctly noted the score. The next day both teams call in different scores to the league office.
Or what if it's really close and the defense believes that the umpire is making a judgment call that the runner scored after the tag when in reality he was kicking the rule. Then for the next couple innings the teams play based on what they believe to be the score. Then the score changes. Then the DC comes out to insist that the tag happened first and wants the PU to ask for help on the timing from the BU. It's hard to get help two innings later.
Neither side of this is any good, but if you're going to change the score later where do you draw the line?