Originally Posted by voiceoflg
And then is out if she is pushed (assisted) home?
Funny thing about the "physically assists" rule in softball. In ASA, the rule, 8-7-E, requires the assistance to happen while the ball is live. In the OP, the batter hit a home run. I cannot find anything in the rule or any RS dealing with a home run. So, in theory, you cannot have a violation here.
FED 8-6-5, meanwhile, makes no mention of the ball being live when the assistance takes place. However, it could be implied that it only applies during a live ball, because the Penalty for the violation is to leave the ball live and rule the assisted runner out.
NCAA 4.3.5 and 12.8.3 also limits physical assistance to runners "actively running the bases and the ball is in play."
So, would she or would she not be out if someone pushed her to home? Hmmm...