Originally posted by Prince
Thanks all for your responses...however, you missed the statement that the ball landed in fair territory (untouched) and settled in foul territory (foul ball). Also, the interference was clearly unintentional.
As I understand what I have read in your collective responses, R1 would be out (that's the easy part), but if the IFF turned out to be foul, then what? B3 can't be out on the IFF rule since it was a foul ball.
If the IFF turned out to be touched in fair territory, but not caught because of the interference, would R1 be out and B3 to 1B. Doesn't the interference make the ball dead immediately and the IFF rule moot?
Interference doesn't always make the ball dead immediately. Besides, the batter was "out" before the interference.
While, by rule, the batter wouldn't be out if the ball was foul, if I thought the interference prevented the ball from being fair, I'd still have the batter out. If the ball landed foul, then I'd just have R1 out.