Thread: 39 ways to balk
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Old Tue Jul 01, 2003, 12:14pm
Bfair Bfair is offline
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Originally posted by Whowefoolin

I wouldn't be "looking" for balks. Call them if they occur. If you start "looking" then everything looks like a balk.

I would disagree with this statement.
To correct your statement I'd rephrase to state:
    Dont be looking to be calling balks.

It's our job to see and know balks when they occur, but we frequently make decisions to ignore technical balks in amateur baseball when no advantage is gained or attempted to be gained. In such instances a warning allows the game to be determined by the players; not the umpires. IMO, that's good officiating.

The same is true regarding interference and obstruction. Look to see it, but don't look strictly for the mere intent to call it. It doesn't take a trained eye to determine that interference has occurred when R2 runs over F6 attempting to field a batted ball. However, it may take the trained eye to realize that when R2 is forced to 3B, and he slows down to do the mambo in front of F6 and in the path of the ball, that interference has occurred when R2 takes off running again just before the ball arrives. Many will not comprehend that as interference and will attempt to excuse it as R2's fear of being hit with the batted ball.

When you are looking to call infractions, you will find both those that exist and those that don't. When you attempt to understand advantage/disadvantage as related to the rules, you will be a far better official of amateur sport. Still, you need to have the knowledge of what is and what isn't an infraction in order to be aware of whether an infraction occurred. Then, you must be able to see and judge if it occurred before making any decision of whether or not to call it.

Infractions are overlooked regularly in amateur sport when no advantage is gained or meant to be gained. Your decisions on what you do and don't call will build your reputation and lead to your success or lack of as an amateur official---regardless of what idealists may state on the internet.
Idealists may need to discover reality......

Just my opinion,


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