Another coach who needs to read the rulebook
I had a coach get a little testy with me during a JV game today. The reason. I told him, when he called his batter from the batter's box to meet with him at first base, that it was his offensive conference for the inning. He didn't say anything the rest of the inning, but in between innings he began arguing with me that there was no limit on "offensive conferences" because situations and plays change.
He insisted I was making up the rule because it was not written anywhere. I finally just said we are going to play ball and out an end to his discussion. He did inform me he "has been coaching for a long time and has never been limited on conferences." I just smiled and said "play ball."
Maybe he should read the rulebook a little more and argue a little less. He might also want to do a better job coaching. This occurred in a game that went an hour and 40 minutes and finished with his team losing 22-5 in 3 innings.
For the record, I think it is rule 3-7-2 that covers charged offensive conferences.
He may also want to learn how to tell players where to go. At the start of one inning we had three different players go to the pitchers plate because he told them they were pitching. Sadly, between the three of them I don't think they could get enough over the plate for a strikeout.