Rules for 21
The game of 21 is simple. Follow these base rules and if you wish have some fun by mixing them up.
1. Foulshots are worth 1 point each
2. After a rebound a basket is worth 2 points
3. If a player makes 3 consecutive foulshots he must check the ball to another player and try to score against him. This shot if made will be worth 2 points and foulshots will continue.
4. A rule called "dynamite" or some call "eraseies" permits a player to erase antoher players score by rebounding and scoring without your feet on the ground. Its a quick put back of the ball after a missed shot.(optnl)
5. If a player gets 22 because of the way in which they've scored, the score gets pushed back to 11 0r 15 (optnl)
6. There are also specific rules about free throws and with the last shot after a player has reached 21(will discuss later). With free throws if an airball is shot the player shooting gets the ball back until he hits the rim or makes the shot. Sometimes if a player wishes to miss on purpose he tries to hit the rim hard with the ball to avoid a re-shot.
7. If a player reaches 21 a final shot if requierd to seal the victory. The shot is from the top of the 3 point line of from a longer distance then the foul shot. you can use dynamite or erasies on this shot against the shooter. That means the same rules about the return of an air-ball are in effect. The player must hit rim or make the shot. If a player misses the shot off the rim he will be returned to a score of 11 or 15 (optnl). Finally if 21 if reached by a pleyer 3 times he wins the game (optnl)
Enjoy this game and email me with any questions- HAVE FUN!!!