Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
I've always felt that if men are allowed to leap, women should also be allowed. As a low-level fast pitch pitcher, I never did master the leap. I always dragged my pivot foot and went through several toe plates and spikes.
After the year the NCAA went off the deep end about IP, I asked Dee A in Shreveport if she thought the NCAA would change the rule to allow leaping. Luckily I was speaking to one of the more intelligent NCAA people in softball and she stated that the subject obviously would be raised, but no change was likely without some science behind it. She noted how there is quite an anatomical difference between the men and women and the manner in which they each delivered the pitch. She seemed concerned that the physical affect to the female may not be healthy for the female.
It has also been noted in the past that in today's game, the male pitcher's mechanics is based more around the throwing arm while the female tends to use the entire body in the delivery.