How so?
FED 7-1-5
"When an improper batter (B3) becomes a proper batter because no appeal is properly made as above. The next batter shall be the batter whose name follows that of such legalized improper batter (B4). The instant an improper batter's actions are legalized, the batting order picks up with the name following that of the legalized improper batter."
So B2 batting in B4's spot is negated and B4 is out. Next batter is B5. ("If B4 does not take a pitch...")
Ultimately, this is what I was looking for 7-1-6
When several batters bat out of order, a runner will not be removed from a base to assume their proper batting position.
If a player is on base when their position in the batting order is reached, they will miss their turn at bat with no penalty.