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Old Thu May 15, 2014, 02:33pm
SAZBA SAZBA is offline
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Posts: 7
Umpire Not Coach I Know But..

I stopped umpiring FED HS games about 8 years ago. Now getting back into the game. Re-found this website and am LOVING it. At my boy's junior high game and something I wanted to bring up.

Opposing team's pitcher balked at every pitch (w/runners on). He would stand next to the pitcher's plate and get the sign. Then he would step onto the pitcher's plate and continue with the pitch in one motion.

I'm wondering if that happens, would you call a balk and explain to the kid or coach why. Not call anything because its a jr high game or what? Neither umpire said or did anything the whole game. Neither coach was the wiser either.

I'm thinking if you called it once or twice, both the kid and coach would learn something new. I know you're not there to coach but I guess what I'm asking is do you feel any sense of obligation to teach these young kids the rules?

I'm waiting for my rule book to come in the mail so I'm not sure what the call is with no one on base.
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