Originally Posted by argodad
NFHS Rules (a play from the Florida HS Finals)
R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B, two outs. Batter hits a short fly ball that F5 totally misjudges in the wind. Ball falls untouched on the line a foot in front of 3B. R1 advances and touches home plate. BR advances to 1B and touches and crosses the bag.
Then she (apparently) listened to the defensive team in the first base dugout and their vocal fans who were calling for a foul ball. She began walking back toward the plate area. F1 (not yet in the circle) throws to F3 who tags BR two steps on the home plate side of first.
Does the run score? 
What was her coach doing??
Anyway, is there a case for obstruction?
Rule: 2-36
Obstruction is the act of the defensive team member that hinders or impedes a batter's attempt to make contact with a pitched ball or that impedes the progress of a runner or batter-runner who is legally running bases, unless the fielder is in possession of the ball or is making the initial play on a batted ball. The act may be intentional or unintentional, physical or verbal.
If not, run does not score since the force was reinstated. (Cue the discussion about whether the BR is "forced".)