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Old Tue May 13, 2014, 01:37pm
jeremy341a jeremy341a is offline
Often wrong never n doubt
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
I think what those of us who think these plays are no calls is that there was no disadvantage on the play, thus no foul. If the shot is blocked cleanly and the defense hasn't done anything illegal, then any other contact ( unless intentional or flagrant) is thus incidental to the play and should be a no call. The shot is blocked either way, whether there is a foul or not after the fact.
But I contend on some of these plays the defense has done something illegal. The unless intentional or flagrant line refers to dead ball contact and not contact after the ball is blocked.

Someone address my point. If the defense it taking a path that causing them to displace the offensive player but allows this to block the ball how is that not a disadvantage to the offensive player? Play #4 for instance if the defender doesn't take the path that knocks the offensive player down he never blocks the shot. The fact that he hit the ball clean, ignoring the head hit on the follow through, is irrelevant to the fact that he went through the offensive player not only displacing him but also not allowing him a safe landing.

I understand that in the NBA that more contact is allowed on these types of plays. I am expressing my opinion on these plays as if they took place at the High school level.
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