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Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 11:27am
CYO Butch CYO Butch is offline
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NBA rules. One, if his karma is really good or if he's got bad karma but the game is on national TV. Two under any other scenario, one to kiss the star player's a** and an assistant to actually get the job done. Note, if it's the Wizzards, no coach has yet learned to change a bulb and they remain in the dark.

NF Rules:
Four coaches get involved.

One to take the T to make a point that the light is out. OKAY, he can't do it 'cause he's either stuck in the box or gone with a second T for continuing to yell that the light is out.

One to yell at the players for not running the "Change the Light" play correctly.

One to yell at his players because the opponents have been shooting the lights out all game.

One to get an opponent's player to "travel" to the light fixture then get on somebody's back to fix it (The opponents have been traveling and going "over the back" all game, so that shouldn't be hard.)

And finally, the team manager quietly to go about the business of getting the light changed.
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