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Old Wed Apr 23, 2014, 09:27pm
Four-Oh Four-Oh is offline
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by rbmartin View Post
Lets take this one step at a time:
1) Ezra bats (result of at-bat is not relevant).
2) The moment the next pitch is thrown to anyone (regardless of where he appears in the lineup), Ezra's appearance is made legitimate.
3) Since Ezra's appearance is now legitimate, the proper batter should now be whoever follows Ezra (Dawson in this case) in the lineup.
4) Since Dawson should bat but someone else did (Jared in this case), this constitutes batting out of turn.
5) When anyone is called out for BOOT, it's the guy who should have batted, not the guy who did bat.
Exactly. The offense committed is Dawson failing to bat in turn. Jared is not out, but his time at bat, and any runner's advance due to a batted ball or the improper batter's advance to first base is nullified; he is therefore, in this play, removed from first base. See OBR 6.07b for the actual text of the rule.

6) So, Dawson is out, and whoever follows Dawson on the lineup card (your leadoff batter) is now up.

Make sense?
So, B1 up with two out and whatever runners there were before Jared hit the ball.
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