Thread: Illegal Pitch ?
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Old Sun Apr 20, 2014, 08:41am
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Originally Posted by chapmaja View Post
The hesitation before pitching is the simulation of taking the sign. No other action is needed. The point I was making is that the pitcher can not step onto the pitchers plate and immediately begin the pitching motion. There must be some sort of pause, which acts as the simulation of taking the sign, which by rule is allowable.
Yeah, pretty much what I said.

You need to forget the reference to the catcher or plate area or even a signal or similar language when discussing the preliminary actions of a pitcher. The only word a clinician needs is hesitation.

The pitcher can step on the PP and never look at the catcher or in the direction of the plate prior to placing the hands together.

The rule is a poor representation of what is being requested of the pitcher prior to beginning their motion to pitch. And that is what causes these "discussions" that shouldn't last more than 30 seconds especially among umpires.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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