Originally Posted by chapmaja
We actually talked about this at our meeting Sunday. The ruling we were told to use was exactly that.
The rule is clear,
a) she must assume a position on the pitchers plate with the shoulders in line with first and third base and the hands separated.
b) while in this position she must take a sign (or simulate taking a sign).
Simulate taking a sign is the key part of the rule. As long as she is doing something such as pausing before before bringing the hands together, looking at the catcher, or nodding at the catcher, she is simulating taking a sign, which meets the requirements of the rule.
No sign actually has to be given by the catcher.
This is covered in casebook 6-1-1 situation e (letter c).
So, can you tell me exactly what to look for to determine the difference between simulating taking a signal and hesitating prior to the pitch?
There is nothing "key" about it. The purpose of the rule was to make the pitcher hesitate enough to give the batter an indication the pitcher was in a position and prepared to pitch. Any, and I mean ANY, stretch of the rule or application is OOO.