Originally Posted by LIUmp
This won't happen. But Manny's right. Keep it simple folks. If she's got no bat, tell her to get one. If there are no legal bats available, you may order her to bat within the 10 second time frame. But seriously, has ANYONE ever had this happen????
Don't make this harder than it needs to be.
How bout checking the bats in that garbage can in the first place? You mean your friend didn't think it odd?
From the OP
Team A (visitors) uses a garbage can to store all of their bats (why I don't know). Prior to the game, the coaches pull all the bats out for inspection and they pass inspection and are cold to the touch.
They were inspected, and only after the inspection was the warming devise added to make the bat storage can a warming devise. It was made pretty clear in the OP they were checked and legal prior to the game.