Originally Posted by topper
I haven't found anything in the rule that supports the rule editor's statement of when a pitcher can take/simulate a signal as it relates to the position of the batter. Nor did I find where bringing her hands together prior to the batter entering the box is stated to be a violation, only how long she has to bring them together after that happens and how long she can have her hands together prior to pitching. It looks like there is some "mixing" of the two rules maybe.
I haven't had pitchers do this in my games I don't have a feel of how odd it looks/feels.
It is right from her mouth (fingers). But like I said, it is short of which rule is violated. I, personally, would like to see 10.18 broken into three sub rules, one for each "segment." Saw it twice this year (DI and DIII) and last year (DII). Saw it in high school last year as well.