Originally Posted by benbret
NFHS fast pitch softball. Pitcher steps on the pitcher's plate with her hands separated. A. She then brings her hands together before the batter is in the batter's box or B. she brings her hands together before the umpire is ready. Is A & B legal or illegal?
Well, B shouldn't happen because you should be ready prior to the batter getting ready (not "set" but "ready" while the batter is getting set).
In your A scenario:
NFHS has no clarification; but as a matter of good practice you should not allow her to pitch (start the wind up, etc.) prior to the batter being set.
In ASA, I've heard KR state that we should make the pitcher step off and start over/reset. This was said at a per-tournament clinic and is not in writing. I wish it was in writing.
In NCAA, in (recent) written communication I've had with the rule editor, she basically states the pitcher cannot take/simulate the signal without the batter being ready because that is the process during the "middle 10 seconds." So putting her hands together would be a violation. Now, before I get flamed, the communication stops short of what type of violation; 10.2 would be an illegal pitch where 10.18 is just a ball on the batter. I hope my question makes the rules interpretations (I've had 2 pitchers this year in NCAA do this). Here is a snipet of the email:
...Once the pitcher has the ball in the circle, the ten seconds begins. The time is for the pitcher and batter to both assume their positions... batter with both feet in box, pitcher with both feet on the pitcher's plate, hands apart. After both are in position, the pitcher has 10 seconds to receive the catcher's signal and bring her hands together.