Thread: Moving the bat
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Old Sun Apr 13, 2014, 08:57am
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I don't work softball. The phrase posted above by EsqUmp is the baseball way. Plate umpire moves the bat if it's necessary, available, and possible.

I've also moved a mask or helmet or two in my years. Worrying about damaging such a thing is laughable,
So is being arrested or sued for protecting your family and home from an intruder, but it happens way more often than it should.

IMO. I've seen catchers intentionally lay the helmet in the baseline to obstruct a runner -- I'm either kicking it aside or if I have time picking it up and moving it.
And as a catcher, I used to clear the bat with my foot, I just happen to become proficient in placing it up the line. To me, that is part of the game. Remember, the batter isn't required to leave or place the bat any where at any time. The location of the bat is at the sole discretion of the batter. Unless it is coming at my head, I really don't care where it goes, it does not involve my part of the game.

Different strokes. Guess it's good I know this before coaching my daughter's team this summer. (Actually I'll be happy if they don't throw the bat and hit someone with it -- they're 7-9 years old.)
You also need to take into consideration that because a softball field is more confined than that of baseball, the action is a bit quicker and IMO requires a higher level of attention.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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