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Old Sun Apr 13, 2014, 08:14am
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post

Research Premier Girls Fastpitch
Well, Andy, I was trying to not be specific, but that was the first thing that came to my mind.

For that matter, why not also point out LL softball, Babe Ruth softball, ASA BASEBALL, etc. and in all cases, it was about money and control.

The ASA was formed on the premise of organizing and bringing a standard to a game that was being played all over the country under different names and rules, many baseball oriented.

The Official Rules of Softball (which were based on what we now know as FP) were pretty standard and used by just about every organization. The book used to be smaller thinner than the NFHS book with minor variations for NCAA, NAIA & NFHS listed on a page. It was pretty standard and because sportsmanship and fair play was a strong suit in the countries culture in the mid-20th century, there was no need for all the chicken shit rules (like the LBR ) needed.

The ASA has long acknowledge the right of a local association to set their own rules, no matter how ridiculous some may be but that didn't stop others from turning the game into a business (which pretty much forced the ASA down the same road) and in turn splintering a sport that is starting to dwindle especially since being removed from the Olympic games.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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