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Old Sat Apr 12, 2014, 04:35pm
HugoTafurst HugoTafurst is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post
Of course, you are absolutely correct.

It has been my experience, however, that there are far more non-savvy umpires than there are savvy ones......
Which brings up an interesting question (interesting to me, anyway).

Im one of those guys that keeps track of who is pitching and who is catching, which substitutes are available to run, who they have for and who is no longer available to run.
So far I have been "savvy" enough to not have a problem. When I see a new f1 or f2,
I will confirm it with both coaches.

But the question is, if for some reason I wasn't "savy" enough and did not notice a change (all those f2s look alike from the back) and in the next half inning, they want to use a CR what happens?
I look at my line up card and see a different player listed as f2.
Am I supposed to take the coaches word for it (that goes against my religion :-) )?
What about the other coach who never noticed the change?

Just wondering... if it happens ill let you know?

Last edited by HugoTafurst; Sat Apr 12, 2014 at 04:38pm.
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