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Old Fri Apr 11, 2014, 11:18pm
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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I only do youth and HS JV stuff. I have heard stories about the NCAA bat check rules. The umpires I have talked with always seem to have a story about games starting late because a team does not have the bat list with them, or it is not prepared properly or something like that.

The one I recall the most was when a team (NAIA or JUCO) does not have a copy of the bat list. The team is playing their rival team. The rival team (home team) has plenty of copies in the dugout that could be used. When the visiting coach asks the home coach for a copy, the home coach refuses, saying it is your job to bring your list, not my job. The coach had to have the bus take them 20 minutes away, so they could print a copy out and bring it back to the stadium, fill it out and start.
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