Game Report
Had my first USSF center today. I have done 3 lines in the past couple weeks, but have not centered since under NFHS rules back in the fall.
Gave 2 penalties, one of which was a DOGSO red for handling the ball on the goal line. One of my AR's was brand new (2nd game ever) and she flagged it immediately. I gave the PK and then went to talk to her. We discussed the situation and agreed on the red and identified the player. I had never done that before and was happy how well (I thought) I handled it. No complaints on the red. The other AR also helped call the second PK.
Did ok overall. My experienced AR told me to stay with the tackles a little longer before turning my head to the next one, because one team was coming in late out of frustration. I did my best to keep both the ball and my AR's in sight at all times, but I could have done better. The field was terrible and I found myself running through the center circle a lot, and being too close to play. On one PK my AR later told me that the keeper was off the goal line before the kick was taken, which I should have taken care of before the kick. It didn't matter as the goal was scored anyway, but I need to work on my PK management.