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Old Sat Apr 05, 2014, 08:34pm
Publius Publius is offline
Is this a legal title?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
From my 2014 NCAA rules test. Not exactly the same play as a straight steal, but still indicative of what the proper call is by rule. Correct answer is 'b'.

R2, R3. Squeeze play. The catcher steps in front of home plate to receive the pitch from F1 before the batter has an opportunity to bunt the ball. R2 was not stealing on the play.

a. None of the above. The ball remains in play.

b. Time is called as soon as the catcher steps in front of the plate prior to the batter having an opportunity to bunt the ball. The pitcher is charged with a balk. Score R3, award the batter first base and award R2 third base.

c. R3 gets home and the batter is awarded first on the catcher's interference. R2 is returned to second base since he was not attempting to steal 3rd.

d. R3 scores, The batter is awarded first base on the catcher's interference. There is no "balk" charged to the pitcher. R2 stays at 2nd base.
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