Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I agree....but only so far as it is legal. Not reporting income isn't one of the ways to do so. Avoiding making over $600 from a source so you can get away with not reporting it is illegal any way you slice it. Instead, why not just report it and go to someone's house (someone who is on or needs government assistance) while he isn't looking and take $100 from his wallet. That is essentially the same thing.
The legal and correct way to do it is to claim all the defections from the income that you can...mileage, meals, uniforms, camps, etc. And then stop voting in those that waste your money.
Perhaps not so illegal. I consider myself a conscientious objector. How so you ask. Here is one example. In my moral code, abortion is just another term for murder. Just to clarify, this isn't a religious problem for me, I do not belong to or follow any religion. I understand the law says this procedure is legal and people are entitled to undergo this procedure. However, I do not believe my money should be used support a person's ability to undergo this procedure. Therefore, I will use any and all means necessary to send as little or none of my money to any government agency that will then use my money to promote or facilitate businesses that perform this procedure.
Give me the address of the guy who needs government support and still has $100 sitting around in his wallet, so I can go ask him for some of my money back.