Originally Posted by JRutledge
OK, but is that not their choice?
Of course it is but the motivation is almost always to avoid having what they are paid reported because they aren't claiming it themselves. I've heard as much from several officials personally.
I file a W-9 with every district or private school I work but that doesn't mean they report what they pay me. If they do report it via a 1099, I will get a copy. They don't have to send in a 1099 if they pay me less than $600 but they can if they want to. Most don't because they want to avoid the extra paper work burden themselves but I suspect this will change.
My point is ultimately that is the choice of each individual how they do their business. And many have been audited as a result.
Absolutely and unfortunately many choose to conduct their business in ways that run afoul of the law. As somebody that pays what is required of him to Uncle Sam, I tend to take a dim view towards those that think they don't have to.