Thread: Arbiter Mandate
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Old Thu Apr 03, 2014, 05:02pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Then you know a lot of criminals.

As I'm sure you know, ALL income, even if it is cash or if no 1099 is issued is taxable income. The $600 limit for 1099's has nothing to do with whether the income is supposed to be taxable, just that the paying organization need not incur the overhead of having to create the 1099 document.

Those skipping out on their taxes like this are just stealing from the rest who properly report their income and pay taxes on it. I'd bet that a lot of them are also the first ones to sign up for government assistance which means they're not only cheating on their taxes but obtaining income-based benefits they don't deserve, further cheating those that pay their taxes and taking limited resource benefits from those that actually deserve them.They probably also are the first to vote to raise taxes on those actually reporting income so that they can get more from those government programs.

If they're not doing it to skip on taxes, then they're doing it to avoid paying child support for their kids....equally despicable, perhaps more.
I'd like to see how many of those who preach about integrity don't bother claiming officiating income on their taxes unless they're forced to.