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Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 02:18am
ace ace is offline
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I ejected a coach one after the last out of the entire ball game. League commishoner told him he could stay in the tournament and could come back the next game (supposed to be one game suspension) The coach kept saying stuff about a play in the 3rd inning (when he should have been tossed) I warned him about his comments. PU warned him about his actions. He would mumble stuff and since i had no proof we couldnt do anything. He gave me a stare down at one time. While I had sunglasses on he probably thought i was looking where my glasses were pointed. I probably could have told him soemthing but i thought better of it. After the game me and the PU were walking to the fence to get our water bottles and pick up our bags from the dugout he said horrible job guys just horrible, thansk! I said no problem coach but your outta here! he got in my face. I was surpsingly calm for being a hot head at times. Kept telling him he needed to leave. Leauge wouldnt get behind me that day. Infact they pulled me from my next scheduled game (the same team.) I was felt like i got stiffed because I was 16.

Earlier in the year (basketball season) I had a coach tell me i didnt know how to call the game. This is after he'd been working me hard over putting 5 seconds back on the clock. I turned around and said they call me every week doing they? Ppl laughed he said yeah i dunno why cuz you suck. So i whacked him with a t. Felt bad about it and even apologized to him and the leauge before anyone really caught wind of it. I 'll admt parents are tough and its tough to not come back at some of the stuff tehy say. It really is.Its bad enough that we are young and feel like we have to gain extra respect. But to take abuse like that and not to be able to defend ourself is tough on the pride and tough on the mind. I've got a benefit of appearing older than I really am. I happen to know this coach from church so he knows how old I am. Of course I didnt realize he was a memebr of the church until I saw him sunday morning and told him hello shook his head and gave him a little wink. I'm glad my baseball season is over with. It was my frist and it was good with litttle to no problems. There were times were i was waiting for my game to start on another field and ppl had complaints about parents. I called the Commish he told me to get the PU to handle it or handle it myself so i'd have to the next field where t-ball game was going and umpire parents. LOL. MY UIC asked me to call a t-ball game with his daughter. He siad she'll umpire the players. I want you to fix the coaches and the paretns for these two teams who have a problem with parents. After 2 parents in 2 innings they got the point. I'm not afraid of adults I am really not. But yeah. I can understand the situation this umpire was in. I've had coaches on me at differnet times this year. Its tough to not come back to some of the stuff tehy say. It really is. But dont punish us because we're young. Ilike what most of these guys have been saying. Teach us from our mistakes. Most of the time we teach ourselves. But dont do what my league did and question my ethics, morals, and abilites because of an incident. Hell I called the league commishoners machine pitch games. He lost the first one and we had to play another one. I called both of them. Not once did anyone say I was favoring him because he was commishoner. But all of a sudden i toss a coach and you say he can come back and tell me I cant be impartial?

Sorry Im starting to rant more than I should.

John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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