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Old Wed Apr 02, 2014, 04:51am
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by hit4power View Post
So what's the preferred mechanic in this situation? Should PU have gone to BU to see if he saw bunt vs. slap before making the call?
Not clear as to why the DC would argue if the PU rang the batter up for strike three?

Are you sure that the sitch wasn't the PU first calling it a SLAP...foul ball; DC argues it was a bunt, PU goes to BU for help, call changed to BUNT...foul with two strikes batter OUT; now OC comes out a berates the PU for going for help after making the original call of a SLAP?

But to answer your question regarding the preferred mechanic in this situation...

Under Going for Help from the NCAA Manual...
......"Going for help on a slap or bunt on strike two is a very specific situation. The plate umpire is not required by rule to go for help when asked as in the case of a checked swing. The plate umpire should follow the same guidelines as in a checked swing by asking the [proper base umpire] if it was a bunt or slap attempt. The response from the base umpire is the same as in the checked swing."

I think that some of the other forum members who work NCAA would tell you that this mechanic is something we would cover in our pre-game. Specifically, might the PU have a two strike slap/bunt sitch where he would go directly to the BU for help (if needed) without being asked by the DC.

Last edited by KJUmp; Wed Apr 02, 2014 at 05:19am.
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