Originally Posted by Matt
Impossible. OBR doesn't have MC.
Stands for "my call", no. But, all youth/amateur OBR based leagues I've been associated, have something to toss a player for crashing somebody..
Apologies if the term MC doesn't fit, just handy..
The OP, in my game would get you tossed, simply for the un-sportsmanship-ness of it, this ain't hockey fella's. There will always be train wrecks, this ain't one.
Still wanna know why at a minimum no INT? Maybe the angle they had it appeared F1 was giving up on the ball? But looked purely defensive to me, in my book, INT regardless of the contact. I mean you fake a karate chop at a guy trying to field a ball, I don't care if you touch him or not you probably interfered.