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Old Mon Mar 31, 2014, 03:57pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by BillM. View Post
ASA Rule 8-5-G:
“When the ball is live and becomes overthrown or is blocked:
EFFECT: All runners shall be awarded two bases. The award shall be governed by the position of the runners when the ball left the fielder’s hand. Runners must return to touch a base missed or a base left too soon. When two runners are between the same two bases, the award is based off the position of the lead runner. Once a base runner advances to the next awarded base, the runner may no longer return to touch any based missed or any base left too soon. Exception: When a fielder loses possession of the ball and the ball leaves live ball territory:
EFFECT: Each runner is awarded one base from the base last touched at the time the ball entered the dead ball area or became blocked. “

Can you fine folks clarify the underlined exception for me, including an example?

The way I am reading this is that if a fielder has possession of the ball, but then drops it, and it rolls into dead ball territory, the base award will be 1 base from the moment it rolls into dead ball territory. In my limited experience (3 years) I haven't seen that happen, so I am just trying to prepare myself for our season starting in a few weeks.
Good example of knowing what to do in rare circumstances. There are 4 in this rule, probably less than 10 occurrences in my 27 years of umpiring.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.

Last edited by CecilOne; Mon Mar 31, 2014 at 05:09pm.
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