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Old Tue Mar 25, 2014, 03:24pm
LRZ LRZ is offline
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Originally Posted by HokiePaul View Post
I don't think I would necessarily treat them differently. But I'm not familar with any NCAA rules/cases that might address this. I was just pointing out that my statement about not having any way to justify crediting them with an additional timeout is based on my understanding of NFHS rules.

Basically what BadNewsRef said
OK, I get you now. Sorry about misunderstanding you.

I'm real old-school. Besides your suggestions, I would probably rely on NFHS 2.3, as there is nothing in the rules about dealing with crises and acts of God. I think it was Sid Borgia, the old-time NBA ref, who said, "I don't call fouls, I dispense justice."

In case people think I play fast and loose with the rules, not so. What I am saying is that when faced with situations so beyond what the rules anticipate, use common sense to do what's fair in the circumstances.

At my age and level, I am content with my assignments and am not overly concerned about what evaluators might say. If an assessor were to downgrade me because I used common sense to give an additional timeout in the circumstances, I can live with that. Of course, being retired and thus free for 3:15 games gives me some license.

SCalScorekeeper, thank you. I was tempted to write, "Sarcasm?" (another quote, this one from Sheldon Cooper), but decided to take you at face value.

Last edited by LRZ; Tue Mar 25, 2014 at 03:46pm.
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