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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 25, 2014, 11:17am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by HokiePaul View Post
It is under 2-man mechanics. Perhaps that is what your friend is refering too.

Edit: And by "it", I am refering to the Lead administering a front-court, sideline throw in.
No, my friend does college and was trying to justify using the college mechanic in a high school game.

Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
I think Arem and you (and I) live in the same general area -- or at least are covered by the same mechanics.
As far as I know, my state association wants everything done by the book, to the extent where state clinicians will criticize the way I point and ding me for using the stronger "college" block signal.

They did send out some emails at the beginning of the year reminding everyone of the new long switch, but cancelled that during the season when they found no one could learn how to do it.
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