Originally Posted by Linknblue
I know what the rule says about white bag/orange bag..........but............I'm seeing more and more coaches "teaching" catchers and 1st base players that when the ball is dropped the 1st base player automatically sets up in foul territory awaiting the throw and the catcher, knowing this, throws the ball to first in foul territory to get the out.
It's intentional but it's also the ball being caught in foul territory because that's where the throw was. I've never seen anyone call the runner safe because the first base player didn't tag the white bag.
I'm think'n this ain't legit....it's not an errant throw. What you guys do?
Legal, all rule sets (both softball and baseball).
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike