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Old Mon Mar 24, 2014, 11:19am
just another ref just another ref is offline
We don't rent pigs
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Even if it's technically a travel (I'm saying that for discussion purposes only) I just don't see it picked up and I don't see it called in real time in the floor. Not at this level, not at the D1 level. Why would it get called at a lower level?

A better philosophical discussion would be whether it makes sense for anyone to call something that not a single participant, coach, media person, or fan expects to be called. Can anyone find a single comment on this play other than on the officiating forum?

First of all, (I've seen this term here before) I don't really get what you mean by "technically" a travel. Traveling has no gray area. It is a travel or it isn't. Certainly some are easier to see than others, and, like most, I am in the camp of being certain. (If it might have been a travel, it ain't a travel.) Having said that, one can be certain and still be wrong. Looking at the evidence, it seems to me that recently in the NCAA we see roughly one wrongly called for every one hundred which are fairly obvious that are not called. This leads me to believe that, to some degree at least, the officials have been directed to let things slide, perhaps in the name of boosting the offense and producing a better product for the fans.

So, if a huge number of violations, some obvious, others not so much, are not called, this is what leads to the expectations mentioned above. It's not that they don't expect this violation to be called, but rather that they've seen it so many times without a call that they don't believe it to be a violation.

"They need to call it or change the rule."***

**Bob Knight, several years ago (paraphrased)
I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum.
It'd be easier than arguing with you, Woodrow.

Lonesome Dove
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