Sat Mar 22, 2014, 07:14pm
NFHS Official
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 1,734
Originally Posted by Rob1968
AremRed: "The "deep corner" is not the Lead's area in NFHS/NCAA-M. If the ball is in the corner Lead is usually watching post play or screens right in his area. If the player drives from the deep corner into Lead's area then the Lead can pick that up, but Trail should have that play initially."
I understand that, for 3-man mechanics. And our Assignor emphasizes that we should be more mobile as Lead, even in 3-man mechanics. We still see many officials who set up as Lead within four or five feet of the lane, and never get any wider. So, when the ball is in their PCA, out as wide as the 3-point line, they, in effect, have to turn away from the center of the court.
I should've referenced 2-man Mechanics. I did about 60 games this season, of which 40+ would be considered training/mentoring newer officials, and we do all of those (sub-varsity) games with 2-man mechanics.
It is if it's on your side. 2 man mechanics of course.
Last edited by OKREF; Sat Mar 22, 2014 at 07:19pm.