Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes
This doesn't work so well with "adults" in rec leagues. A couple of times I've asked a player to go grab a ball for me, only to be told, both times, by one of his TEAMMATES that that was MY job. I whacked without hesitation both times.
Over thirty-three years, I've had three different local high school interpreters tell us that the ball always comes back to the official. I want to stand up and scream, "No, it doesn't
always come back".
Of course, sometimes the whistle sounds and nobody is in possession: 10-3-5-B: A player shall not delay the game by acts such as: Failing when in possession, to immediately pass the ball to the nearer official when a whistle blows. We can ask for help, but, I guess, that we can't require that a player helps us?
Bottom line, try to keep your eyes on the players as much as you possibly can (I'm still refusing to go deep into corners, under bleachers, and far away, and I'm willing to wait a very long time for that ball to come back to me).