Originally Posted by JRutledge
Didn't you say you never worked the playoffs? It would be one thing if you were the most accomplished official in your area, but according to what you have said here, you have not reached the top level in your area or state. Also no one tells people you are not going to wear a black belt or else here. But when you are the only one and you stand out looking like a goof, that is not going to help you if all things are equal. It is simply not encouraged. There is no ban or prohibition as I have stated before. It is like showing up to a game dressed. You might be able to get away with that in certain situations, but it will hurt you if you do it to at the wrong setting.
1) Correct. I am a journeyman official. Back twenty-five years ago, when belts were very common, I reached the zenith of my career, the top quarter of my local board. Wearing a belt, especially at that time, did not prevent my continued ascension through the ranks. Even today, with belts significantly less common, belts don't prevent a few (very few) of our top officials from working state tournament games.
2) The training committee tells rookies that they can wear a belt, or not wear a belt. Not only is there no belt ban (a negative statement), but the committee informs the rookies that belts are acceptable (a positive statement). That's the difference between where you officiate, and where I officiate. We tell rookies that they can wear a belt. While your training committee doesn't have a belt ban, I doubt that your training committee makes such a positive statement.
3) It sounds like your guidelines regarding proper dress for showing up for a high school game are similar to our cultural mores (no uniform, business casual). Some on this Forum would find that ridiculous. They show up for their games in uniform, and walk out in uniform. If an official did this (show up for a high school game in uniform) here in my little corner of Connecticut, they would be quickly advised, either orally, or in writing (through our rating system), to stop doing that. Yet, I fully understand that this cultural more can be very different in other areas, and I wouldn't question the competency, perceived, or otherwise, of such an official simply because they come to a game dressed in uniform, because I realize that it's an accepted guideline where they work.
JRutledge: My "Rome" isn't the same as your "Rome", or a lot of other "Romes". What's so hard to understand about that? Why do you have such a fascination, or fixation, with my waist? Hey. Eyes up here, please.