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Old Sat Mar 22, 2014, 07:53am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Didn't you say you never worked the playoffs? It would be one thing if you were the most accomplished official in your area, but according to what you have said here, you have not reached the top level in your area or state. And you are not a college guy that is turning down high school playoffs just to work at a higher level.

Also no one tells people you are not going to wear a black belt or else here. But when you are the only one and you stand out looking like a goof, that is not going to help you if all things are equal. It is simply not encouraged. There is no ban or prohibition as I have stated before. It is like showing up to a game dressed. You might be able to get away with that in certain situations, but it will hurt you if you do it to at the wrong setting.

I see plenty of officials wearing belts here working JV and freshman games -- and even the odd varsity game. I also know a letter I received recently from the state office reminded me that the proper dress for a game I was going to work included pleated beltless pants, no side panel shirts, all black shoes, and flags were a crew decision (but everyone had to go flag or no-flag).

I just can't imagine why anyone would choose to wear belted pants over pants made specifically for basketball officiating. In 2014 those pants are beltless, pleated, and do not have western style pockets.