Originally Posted by BillyMac
People in Chicagoland? People in the rest of the nation? People in the rest of the world? Yes. Yes. Yes. Agree. Agree. Agree. But there is one exception, here in my little corner of Connecticut. The people that I care about most, those that rate, and rank, me, are not opposed to wearing a belt. Our rookie officials are neither encouraged, nor discouraged, from wearing a belt, as long as it's black. I know, I served on that training committee. Since I don't plan on moving away from my little corner of Connecticut, and since I don't plan on moving up to the NCAA, I really don't care about all those other "people", other than for the sake of discussion here on the Forum. I do realize that if I was planning on moving away from Connecticut, let's say to Chicagoland, that I would be expected to conform to mores of that culture, and I would most certainly have to wear beltless slacks, or face failure to "fit in".
Billy I have been to camps across the Midwest and other parts of the country on a regular basis. Not a single time do I remember anyone wearing a belt at a camp game. And the officials have been from all over the country. Even one guy was from Canada and he did not wear a belt. And the camp supervisors never tell us what kind of pants to wear, just tells us that we are to wear full uniforms. Somehow others seem to get the memo.
Oh and I work games across my state, not just in one part. I have not worked with a single partner that has a belt. The only officials I see wearing a belt are those old guys that for some reason never go far as officials or a rookie that has not worked varsity contests. I did not see any State Final officials wearing a belt in the last couple of years and cannot remember when the last time I saw any varsity official on the boys side wearing them.
Expand your view Billy.