Originally Posted by BillyMac
Just the belt, and it's neither encouraged, nor discouraged, here in my little corner of Connecticut, and since I'm comfortable with it, I will continue to wear it until someone tells me, "No more belts", at which time I will get two pairs of beltless slacks. If I don't use the pocket whistle I get marked down on my peer ratings. I do what I'm told to do by my superiors.
Once again, these are personal decisions you choose to do, just like people would choose to say those things you consider not appropriate on your little article. And that is why we disagreed about one of those items. But I know there are more people opposed to wearing a belt than if you tell someone "Don't move."
We are all independent contractors at the end of the day. But we are judged by things that right or wrong that we may do or say in different ways. But I do know one thing, I see no one wearing a belt at any major level. Just like in football I do not see someone with an adjustable hat. I do not want to be "that guy." And since no one wears a belt in a basketball contest that is participating directly, I am not going to advocate anyone wearing one. If you cannot let it go, that is on you.