Originally Posted by JRutledge
And the English language is one of the most difficult languages because the language has so many different words that mean the same thing. And if you look to our people across the pond that tend to speak English too, but have many different sayings or standards of speaking, I find it funny that people get all upset when we use terms that have variations in speech. If I go to other parts of the country or world, no one is making a big issue out of these words the way we do in this country.
Couldn't agree more. After studying other languages, I can only imagine how difficult it is to learn English. And you're spot on about other languages. There are so many variants of many world languages. I readily admit my anal retentiveness about grammar. My mother was a high school English/grammar teacher and I grew up with constant correction. But that's a story for group therapy, not this forum!

And it was most definitely NOT groovy to have her teach in the same school I attended...