Thread: DH Question....
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Old Mon Mar 17, 2014, 11:54am
maven maven is offline
Medium Kahuna
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Another approach: the DH and player he bats for are both starters (so have re-entry privilege) and both IN the game at the same time, one on offense, one on defense.

If the role of DH is terminated, one player is now OUT of the game (even though no sub has entered). In the OP, when F7 batted for himself, the DH is OUT of the game (and may re-enter).

F7 remains IN the game (now on both offense and defense) until he is subbed for in the 6th. Once he is OUT of the game, he may re-enter.

With S1 in the game in that spot in the lineup, the coach has 3 choices to put players in that spot: another sub, F7, or the original DH (who would have to play defense as well).
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