Originally Posted by Crabby_Bob
BR = Batter-Runner
It's about a dopey edit in the rule book.
The Batter-Runner is OUT:
[2011] 8.2.I When an infield fly is declared. If the fair batted ball hits the batter-runner before reaching first base, the ball is dead and the infield fly is invoked.
[2012-present] 8.2.I When an infield fly is declared and the fair batted ball hits the batter-runner before reaching first base. EFFECT: The ball is dead and the infield fly is invoked.
I think we discussed this 2 years ago. This is a very poorly written rule.
"The Batter-Runner is OUT when an infield fly is declared and the fair batted ball hits the batter-runner before reaching first base."
So, in order to be true, both things must occur: the infield fly must be declared, AND the fair batted ball must hit the batter-runner before reaching first base.
Now, we all know that is not the intent of the rule; it seems for some reason two rules were combined into one.