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Old Sat Mar 08, 2014, 02:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by Rich1 View Post
Maybe it wouldn't make a difference, but maybe it would...
Kids do not listen to use when we give them a "sportsmanship" talk. What the hell makes you think we are really going to make that much of a difference over people that they have to deal with long after that game is over? If a parent that raises a child does not instill values in them, you think some stranger they might have never seen before is all of a sudden going to make that much of a difference? Sorry, I think officials are important, but we are not that damn important.

Originally Posted by Rich1 View Post
I still work 20-30 games each winter for the rec league I started in years ago and we never leave the court. At the end of each game we stand and watch the kids go by and shake hands. I can work 5 games in a row ages 10 - 16 and have never seen a problem.
Please, let us not compare rec games to this issue? I have worked several hundred games and never had a single fight after the game was over. I did have my first fight this year BTW and we were on the court when everything blew up. Our presence is not that damn important. And I am an official that does multple sports and never had a fight after the game in any situation in any sport as well. And in football things are much more violent and contensious than basketball will ever be in most cases.

Originally Posted by Rich1 View Post
Of course, I am not saying this would always be the case in "real" basketball but I am in the camp that believes the mere presence of referees may help stem the urge to act/react. Most players are trained to respond to the whistle so a very loud crack at the first sign of trouble might be just enough.

In addition, penalties for these types of unporting acts need to be harsh. Players, fans, coaches and schools should be held to very high standards that include multiple game consequences. As a former coach, I never had these problems because I nipped them in the bud early. But, in today's game where coaches are trying to manage a bad apple because he is a super star, I can guarantee the decision of whether or not to keep a kid on the team would be made a lot easier if I were held accountable for ALL of his actions and might be suspended a few games if he earned a write up after thegame was over.

Aswith all of the other rules & procedures in basketballl. When it starts getting called and getting handled, players and coaches will adjust and the problem may mostly go away.
Well in this case a coach and many players were penalized.

And BTW, the team that advanced and was in the fight, they lost big last night (77-29). So it appears that the players they lost or the coach not being there was not a good thing. And those kids will have that on them for a long time and even longer if they were Seniors.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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