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Old Sat Mar 08, 2014, 10:37am
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Originally Posted by amusedofficial View Post
Absolutely correct as to the players.

The controversy over officials standing by for a post-game handshake in Mass. was a lot of hooey perpetrated by officials who, unfortunately, also forget their place and are more interested in emulating their NBE and NCAA heroes, who run off the court after the horn, than in a simple act to promote sportsmanship in games involving kids.

As an excuse, they tried to say insurance wouldn't cover refs for the handshake, even though by its very terms it covers officials during the entire time they have jurisdiction, which, by rule, ends when they leave the visual confines. From what I hear from guys and gals from Mass with whom I work here in Live Free or Die land, standing and watching two groups of adolescents shake hands after an athletic contest has been spectacularly uneventful in all sports, not just hoops.

A question to which I don't have an answer, is whether this brawl would have happened if the officials were still on the court watching the handshake-- not because the officials would have been called on to stop it, but because their presence may have instilled the idea that the event was not "over" and thereby muted any inclination by players with a little too much AAU under their belts to "get physical."
"Forget their place?" Really. Could you elaborate?

Also, didn't Mass specifically state their jurisdiction ends when the score is confirmed, whichi why the officials cannot call any technical fouls for actions that occur during the handshake? They want to have their cake and eat it, and apparently NASO made an allowance, but that doesn't negate the concerns at the time.

I'm more concerned with the targeting of officials. The very games where supervision is most required are games where we are most apt to be the target of some idiot's wrath.
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