Originally Posted by letemplay
Could you ignore this though if it was significant contact by B1 on A3? I seem to remember a case play where a defender comes through a screener who is set in front of shooter. Defender does not make contact with shooter, but pushes screener into shooter. Could we have a) result of shot AND b) foul on defender with screener getting ft's (if in bonus) ?
Let us clarify your play: A1 is shooting behind a screen set by A2. B2 pushes A2 into A1 while A1 is in the Act of Shooting.
1) B2 has fouled (Personal Foul, and is a Common Foul) A2. If Team A is in the Bonus, A2 will shoot free throws with players lined up. If Team A is not in the Bonus, Team A will receive the ball for a Throw-in nearest the spot of B2's foul.
2) Continuous Motion applies in this play. If A1's attempt goes through the basket: score it. If it does not: "Them's is the breaks."
MTD, Sr.