Originally Posted by CT1
Not in my game. All I want you to do is see whether F1 disengages the rubber before feinting to first, and MAYBE a slight flinch of the pivot leg.
14 yr old Babe Ruth state tournament quarterfinal in WI. PU--senior guy--tells me something like this and I'm young enough to listen. Full count on batter. Pitcher rolls through motion, not even a hint of a stop. Even his grandma knew it was a balk. I lock up because the PU told me in pre-game these are his call. He's silent (well, except for "strike three!"). HC is coaching 1st and goes nuts (with good reason). We do nothing to improve the situation--we don't conference to discuss, he ignores everyone, and I for some reason decide I can't call it now 'cause it will look like the coach convinced me to call it. I can't think of anything to say to the coach except "No call, coach. Let's play ball." The offended team made it to the final and I have the plate. Coach makes a subtle balk comment at our pre-game. All I can do is wince.
20+ years later this call is one of the top three "I wish I could have that call back" to haunt me from my long officiating career.
If you see it, call it. Even if the PU tells you it's his call (of course, don't accept that instruction). Let him explain to the assignor what you did wrong.