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Old Fri Feb 28, 2014, 02:56pm
Tim Quan Tim Quan is offline
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Location: San Diego
Posts: 6
I've edited the page and tried to be a bit more concise. I don't think I can whittle it down much further without losing the detail I think is important.

Block or Charge

I'm still uncertain whether the "upward motion" restricts motion of the defender after initial legal guarding position is established but while he's maintaining it. Specifically, the brunt of my defense of Tony Greene's call is that the defender's little shuffling of the feet even after the offensive player has begun that upward motion is legal, as long has his motion isn't initiating contact.

But perhaps my whole premise is wrong and once that upward motion begins, all of the defender's foot movement does have to stop and he has to be committed to his spot. It doesn't read that way in the rules, but I'm reading some claimed officiating experts saying that is the intent.

If there are opinions on this, I'd like to hear them; but regardless, I appreciate the feedback already received.
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