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Old Mon Feb 24, 2014, 01:55pm
Referee24.7 Referee24.7 is offline
Barely $.02 cents worth
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: The Left Coast
Posts: 51
They were both offensive fouls and unfortunately, we don't want to try and match "misses" that we have as stripes. . .

Greene's call just looked kinda off because he was on the move and didn't get fully done rotating yet, but the defender was legal and in the path. . .

And if was up to Vitale, Dakich, or all these other stuttering nincompoop analysts - there would be no foul-outs, no points of emphasis or concerns, and coaches could say or do whatever they want because its what's good for television and what they feel is for the game. . .

Just my barely $.02 cents worth.
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